This section is provided to provide assistance on Home, Main Menu and Search. For general questions, you can refer to the FAQ section for immediate answers.If you still need assistance, Please contact the relevant staff on our contact page or staff directory. We will submit a reply within no more than (3) working days.LUAS Website Main MenuThe LUAS menu provides useful information about the Selangor Water Management Authority to website users. Among the information available in this menu are such as about LUAS, Management, Services, Directory, Legislation, Circulars, Publications, and others.The PUBLIC and CUSTOMER menus provide information by category to make it easier for website users to find and obtain WIDE information.The FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS menu provides frequently asked General questions to LUAS regarding the services and management provided by the Board.The LUAS STAFFS menu provides information to LUAS staff to obtain personal information and any updates to staff from LUAS ManagementSearchThe search located in the upper right corner allows users to find the desired information in the LUAS portal
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