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Modified at : 2024-05-20
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The consumption and water intake from any source found on the ground surface or underground (groundwater).

‘Groundwater’ means subsurface water found below the water level in soils and geologic formations and includes:

a. A well, borehole or similar form of work excavated into the underground strata, including any or channel constructed in connection with the well, borehole or form of work to facilitate the collection of water in the well, borehole or form of work.

b. Any excavation into an underground of strata where the water level in the excavation depends entirely or largely on the water entering it from that strata; and

c. Any designated groundwater


1. Lembaga Urus Air Selangor (LUAS) through the Selangor state government is the body responsible for managing water resources under the Selangor Water Management Board Enactment 1999;

To carry out supervision and control over the use and flow of water in any water source and whether it occurs naturally on the surface or subsurface of the land. Section 41 (1)

2. Given that LUAS is responsible for controlling the use of water resources, then;

No person or public authority shall, except with the approval of LUAS, interfere with the natural flow of water in any water source or take or use water from any water source except in a certain amount that has been authorized by LUAS from time to time. Section41 (2)

3. Control over the use of water resources is made through;

Grant licenses on conditions deemed appropriate by LUAS to any public authority or person to undertake any activities relating to water resources and to regulate licensees and their activities. Section 6 (1) (n) Imposing charges on the use of water or any other source from any water source including but not limited to the abstraction, production, disposal, drainage, diversion and siege of that water or other source. Section 44 (1) (a)

4. If found;

Any person who, without the approval of LUAS extracts, uses or diverts water or other sources of water shall be guilty of an offense and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or to both. Section 107


Section 41

41. (1) LUAS/SWRA shall exercise supervision and control over the use and flow of water in any water source and whether it occurs naturally on the surface or subsoil.

41. (2) No person or public authority shall, except with the approval of LUAS, interfere with the natural flow of water in any water source or extract or use water from any water source except to such extent as the LUAS has authorized from time to time.

Section 6 (1) (n)

To grant licenses on such terms as the Board thinks fit to any public authority or person to undertake any activity related to water resources and to regulate the licensees and their activities.

Section 44 (1) (a)

Charges on the use of water or any other source from any source of water including but not limited to abstraction, removal, disposal, drainage, diversion, and extraction of such water or other sources


Licensing Fee

  • Registration Fee = RM150 (one-time only)
  • License Fee = RM200 (per year)

Abstraction Charge

Commercial : RM 0.07/m3

Commercial : RM 0.07/cubic meter

Commercial (aquaculture) : RM 0.05/cubic meter

Public Utuliti other than sea water : RM 0.01/cubic meter

Seawater Public Utility : RM 0.01/cubic meter

Paddy cultivation : FREE

License fee payment and ground water abstraction charges can be made in cash or crossed checks in the name of ‘LEMBAGA URUS AIR SELANGOR’


1. Procedure of Application for Surface Water Abstraction License

1.1. Well Drilling

1.1.1. Complete the Checklist Application of Well Drilling Permissions [U011-L5-001-00] (2 Copies)

1.1.2. Complete the Application Form for Well Drilling [U011-F4-001-00] (2 Copies)

1.1.3. Submit payment of Registration Fee amount to Ringgit Malaysia one hundred and fifty only (RM150) for one well.

1.2. Groundwater Abstraction for New License

1.2.1. Complete the Checklist of New Application of Groundwater Abstraction License[U11-L5-002-00] (2 Copies)

1.2.2.Complete the New Application Form for Groundwater Abstraction License [U11-F4-002-00](2 Copies)

1.2.3. Complete the Well Design Form - [U11-F4-002A-00] (2 Copies)

1.2.4. Complete the Pumping Step Form [U11-F4-002B-00] (2 Copies)

1.2.5. Complete the Permanent Discharge Record Form [U11-F4-002C-00] (2 Copies)

1.2.6. Complete the Recovery Test Record Form [U11-F4-002D-00] (2 Copies)

1.3. Renewal License for Groundwater Abstraction

a) Complete the Checklist of Application Form for Renewal Groundwater Abstraction License [U11-L5 -003-00] (2 Copies)

b) Complete the Application Form for Renewal Groundwater Abstraction License [U11-F4 -003-00] (2 Copies)

c) Submit the payment of Registration Fee AMOUNT Ringgit Malaysia one hundred and fifty only (RM150) for One Well. (If the Renewal Application Submitted aftr the License Expires)

1.4. Well Closure

a) Each Well That Wants to be Closed or Backfilled must refer to LUAS.

b) The method of Well Closure must be in Accordance with the Well Closure Procedure Under the LUAS Enactment1999 [U011-M3-003-00]

2. Procedure of Application for Surface Water Abstraction License.

2.1. Surface Water Abstraction for New License:

2.1.1. Complete the Checklist of New Application for Surface Water Abstraction License. [U11-L5-002-00] (2 Copies)

2.1.2. Complete the New Application Form for Surface WaterAbstraction License [U11-F4-004-00] (2 Copies)

2.1.3. Submit the Registration Fee payment amount to Ringgit Malaysia One Hundred and fifty only (RM150) for One Intake.

2.2. Surface Water Abstraction for Rinewal License.

2.2.1. Complete the Checklist of Application for Renewal License. [U11-L5-005-00] (2 Copies)

2.2.2. Inform LUAS by Official Letter and Complete the Following Form Within Three Months before the License Expires;

i. Complete the Application Form for Renewal Surface Water Abstraction [U11-F4-005-00] (2 Copies)

ii. Submit the Registration Fee Payment Amounting to Ringgit Malaysia One Hundred and Fifty Only (RM150) for One Point of Collection. (If the Renewal Application Submitted After the Expiration Date)

2.3. Surface Water Closure (Intake)

a) Each Surface that Wants tobe Closed must Refer to LUAS.

b) The method of surface closure must be in accordance with the Well Closure Procedure under the LUAS Enactment 1999 [U011-M3-006-00]

3. Installation of Measuring Instrument

3.1. Specifications for the Installation of Water Source Abstraction Meters are as Follows:

a) Meters installed must have accreditation from SIRIM Berhad.

b) The size of meter should be correspond to the amount of water abstration. The serial number of the meter must be clear.

c) The meter installation location shall not exceed 2 meters from the distance of the well or intake or any distance that has been approved by LUAS.

d) The installation of the meter must be done in the correct direction (arrow) and the meter must be soldered (seal).

e) Water flow test should be carried out and ensure no leakage effecton the connection (welding & joint).

f) Installation of water tap after meter and installation of control valve (gate valve) before meter (if necessary).



2.Application Guide

3. Others

4. Application

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