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Modified at : 2023-10-19
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Diversion of a river from its natural course for the development of a minhydro station.

‘Minihydro’ means to flow water energy to produce electricity. Water is flowed through a river into a turbine house which is usually built on the river bank to drive a turbine or a microhydro watermill. The mechanical energy that comes from the rotation of the turbine process will be converted into electrical energy.

LUAS Function

Pursuant to the provisions in section 42 (1) of the LUAS Enactment 1999, that no person or public authority may, except under and pursuant to the terms of a license issued under section 59, through drains, drains, channels, pipes or other- another way of diverting the water of any river from its natural course.

Accordingly, the developer is required to apply for a license to divert water from a river for the use of electricity generation from the Board with the approval of the State Authority in accordance with Section 42 (3) and Section 59 (e) of the LUAS Enactment 1999 and the Water Diversion Regulations. For Electricity Generation (Selangor) 2014.

In addition, section 44 (1) of the Selangor Water Management Board Enactment 1999 gives the Board the legislative power to impose charges on the use, abstraction, production, disposal, drainage, diversion and siege of water or other resources with the approval of the State Authority.

Power Source

It is based on Section 42, Selangor Water Management Board Enactment 1999, namely:

Section 42, Diversion of Water Flow.

42 (1) Except as expressly permitted under the provisions of any other law, no person or public authority shall, except under and in accordance with the terms of a license issued under Section 59, pass through a drain, drainage , channels, pipes or other means of diverting the water of any river from its natural course.

(2) When any such diversion has been made, the occupier or occupiers of the land (if any) who benefited from the diversion shall, if there is no evidence to the contrary, be deemed to have made the diversion.

(3) A license to divert water from a river for the use of generating electricity may be granted by the Board with the approval of the State Authority.

Fees And Charge
1.Registration RM150
2.License RM200
3.Generation Charges RM50,000 / Megawatt

Water Diversion License Application Procedure for Electricity Generation

For new applications of water diversion for electricity generation;

1. Complete water diversion license checklist for electricity generation: U017-L5-001-00

2. Complete the water diversion license application form (electric generator): U017-F4-001-00

3. Submit the Registration Fee payment of Ringgit Malaysia one hundred and fifty only (RM150) for each new application.

4. Submit a License Fee payment of Ringgit Malaysia two hundred ringgit only (RM250) for each new / renewal application

Application form


Application Form

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