Resource Alteration
IntroductionLUAS Resource Alteration Activities are subject to Section 43 of the LUAS Enactment 1999 which describes the powers of the Director over flood zones, river reserves, protection zones, water bodies and coastal waters.LUAS as an agency whose role is to take care of water resources in the state of Selangor has made it mandatory for the application for Written Permission by any developer to be submitted and approved before a project related to water resources is carried out. This Written Permission is very necessary in emphasizing the environmental care of water resources in the State of Selangor.The following is a List of Resource Modification Activities.LUAS FunctionThe role of the Board in granting Written Permission is as follows:To ensure the quality of river water is always preserved;Minimize the impact of pollution on water resources during construction works;Facilitate the Board to monitor developers who carry out construction work involving water resources;Enforcing the Selangor Water Management Board Enactment 1999;Provide awareness to stakeholders on their respective roles in water resource conservation; andCultivate an attitude of responsibility, love and respect for the importance of preserving the river among developers.Power SourceControl of Resource Alteration Activities under Section 43 of the Selangor Water Management Board Enactment 1999. The Resource Alteration Activities (Selangor) Regulations 2013 were gazetted under this Section on 10 October 2013 and came into effect on 11 October 2013Fees And ChargeResource Alteration ActivityRegistration Fee = RM150 (one-time only)License Fee = RM200 (per year)Annual Jetty Activity ChargesItem Total Charges/Feesa) Private jetty used to import and export own goodsRM0.20 per tonne subject to minimum charge of RM1,000 per annumb) Jetty used to import and export other goods (except metal)RM0.25 per tonne subject to minimum charge of RM1,500 per annumc) Jetty used to import and export metalsRM0.35 per tonne subject to minimum charge of RM2,000 per annumd) The jetty used as a place to build vesselsRM70.00 per vessel subject to minimum charge of RM2,000 per annume) The jetty used as a place to repair vesselsRM100.00 per vessel subject to minimum charge of RM2,500 per annumf) Private jetty used for unspecified purposes in (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) abovea) Tourism jetty = RM2,200 per yearb) Others = RM600.00 per year Application For Source Alteration ActivitiesWritten Permission Application GuideRegistration of new users on the website. Select the Written Permission System. Users can refer to the included Written Permission System User Manual. (The name of the registered company is the name of the licensee and it is recommended that the developer company be the licensee for non -government projects)Applicants are required to log in to the website after receiving the confirmation email.Applicants are required to make a new application/renewal of Written Permission for Source Alteration Activities.In case of New Application and Late Renewal, please make a registration fee of RM150 at the Board office.Applicants are required to submit the required documents as per the Checklist to the Board within 7 days.Applicants will receive a notification via email if the information needs to be updated or the application fails.For applications that have been approved, a Written Permission Fee of RM200 must be submitted to the Board for the issuance of Written Permission.Note: Payment must be made in cash or crossed check in the name of "SELANGOR WATER MANAGEMENT BOARD". Payment operating hours are as follows:Monday – Thursday : 8.30 am – 3.30 pm 1.00 pm - 2.00 pm (time break) Friday : 8.30 am – 3.30 pm 12.15 pm - 2.45 pm (time break) Policy Approval Application Guide for Jetty/Platform ConstructionApplication for Construction/Making/Erection/Maintenance/Use of this Jetty must be filled by the operator or operator of any jetty on any river reserve/flood zone/protection zone/buffer zone.Applicants are required to submit an application according to the Jetty/Platform Policy Approval Checklist (U016-L5-005-00). An Application Form (U016-F4-006-00) is representative of a jetty.The application will be presented in the Selangor State Jetty Management Committee.If passed, the applicant must submit an application for Written Permission for the construction of the jetty. Refer to the Written Permission Application Guide.Approved jetty owners are required to submit load records every 3 months to the Board after the jetty is completed. Refer to the Load Monitoring Record Form for Goods Transported Using Jetty (U016-F4-007-00).Approved jetty owners are required to make payments annually to carry out jetty activities based on the jetty activity charge schedule.Application Forms 1. GuidelineU016-G2-001-03 : Guidelines for declaring Resource Alteration Activities That Do Not Require Written Permission (Kebenaran Bertulis)U016-G2-002-00 : Buffer Area Guidelines for Resources Alteration ActivitiesU016-G2-003-00 : Manual of Resource Alteration 'Written Permission' Application 2. ChecklistU016-L5-001(1)-01 : Dredging Activity Checklist Activities involved :River Sand DredgingMining Sand DredgingSea Sand DredgingLand ExcavationMud DredgingOre ProductionDeepening the Water IntakeU016-L5-001(2)-01 : Crossing Activity Checklist Activities involved :Plumbing (upstream) Water/Utility/GasPlumbing (river bed) Water/Utility/GasSewer InstallationSewer Box InstallationPermanent Bridge ConstructionTemporary Bridge ConstructionU016-L5-001(3)-01 : Development Activity Checklist Activities involved :Earthwork/Site PreparationBuilding ConstructionRoad/Highway ConstructionTrack ConstructionDrainage ConstructionPool ConstructionU016-L5-001(4)-01 : Checklist for Water Resource Upgrading, Maintenance and Modification ActivitiesActivities involved :River AlignmentRiver DiversionConstruction of Erosion FortsRepair The River BankBreakwaterFlood Mitigation ProjectPool ReclamationBeach ReclamationWater Intake ConstructionMud/Sludge DredgingConstruction, reconstruction, modification or relocations of damsConstruction, reconstruction, modification or relocations of a 'weir'Construction, reconstruction, modification or relocations of 'inlet' and 'outlet'Construction, reconstruction, modification or relocations of logs boomU016-L5-001(5)-00 : Jetty/Platform Construction Activity Checklist Activities involved :Construction of Jetty/Platform U016-L5-002-00 : Emergency Work Resource Change Activity Application ChecklistU016-L5-005-00 : Maintenance Work Resource Change Application Checklist 3. Application FormU016-F4-006-00 : Application Form for Building/Making/Erecting/Maintaining/Using a Jetty U016-F4-007-00 : Cargo Monitoring Record Form for Goods Transported Using a Jetty 4. Application Visit Sistem Kebenaran Bertulis Aktiviti Pengubahan Sumber (SKAPS):
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