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Modified at : 2024-07-23
Page Views : 1638
1.Notification of Charges for Abstraction of Water from Any Water Source 2005 (No. 1366/2005)Download
2.Zone of Protection (Declared Area and Restriction) Notification 2009 (No.2171/2009)Download
3.Klang Port Klang Coastal Strategy Implementation Plan 2009 (No.3024/2009)Download
4.Zone of Protection (Declared Area and Restriction) Notification 2010 (No.1189/2010)Download
5.Notification of Charges for Diversion of Water from Any Water Source 2010 (No. 3617/2010)Download

Zone of Protection (Declared Area and Restriction) Notification (No. 2) 2010 (No. 3959/2010)

7.Zone of Protection (Declared Area and Restriction) Notification 2013 (No. 4513/2013)Download
8.Zone of Protection (Declared Area and Restriction) Notification 2014 (No.1589/2014)Download
9.Zone of Protection (Declared Area and Restriction) Notification (No.2) 2014 (No.3190/2014)Download
10.Zone of Protection (Declared Area and Restriction) Notification (No.3) 2014 (No.3322/2014)Download
11.Zone of Protection (Declared Area and Restriction) Notification 2015 (No. 1855/2015)Download
12.Zone of Protection (Declared Area and Restriction) Notification 2016 (No.1170/2016)Download
13.Zone of Protection (Declared Area and Restriction) Notification (No.2) 2016 (No. 1171/2016)Download
14.Zone of Protection (Declared Area and Restriction) Notification 2017 (No.1694/2017)Download
15.Notification of Charges for Use of Water Under Section 44 2023 (No. 4626/2023)Download
16.Zone of Protection (Declared Area and Restriction) (Amendment) Notification 2024 (No.1556/2024)Download

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