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Modified at : 2023-12-06
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Inland Waterway Navigation is the navigation activity of vessels carrying goods or passengers on bodies of water such as lakes, waters, canals or rivers that are outside the port limits and vessel owners are required to register the vessel with LUAS.

LUAS Function

The role of the Board in controlling bodies of water through licenses for vessels is as follows:

  • Improvement of the traffic system on any inland waterway to prevent vessel violations;
  • Identify and provide mooring sites for vessels on any inland waterways;
  • Controlling the transport of goods and passengers by vessels;
  • Regulate vessel operations and control water source pollution;
  • Contribute revenue to the state.
Power Source

Inland Waterway Navigation Control in the Selangor State water body is regulated based on Sections 96 and 97 of the Selangor Water Management Board Enactment 1999.

The regulations were gazetted on 19 April 2012 and came into effect on 20 April 2012Selangor 1999.

A press release was made on June 10, 2012 in the Sunday News and New Sunday Times newspapers to inform the gazetting and requirements of the Rules.

Fees And Charge
License Term Per Year
Fees apply Registration FeeRM150.00 (One-time only)
Vessel FeeRM150.00 (One-time only)
License By Class FeeClass I – 0-500 tonRM 500
Class II – 501-1000 tonRM 1,000
Class III – 1001-2000 tonRM2,000
Class IV – 2001-3000 tonRM 3,000
Class V – 3001-4000 tonRM 4,000
Class IV – 4001-5000 tonRM 5,000
Application for Vessel and Inland Waterway Navigation License
  • Vessel registration application form and Inland Waterway Navigation license No. Form: U014-F4-001-00
  • Registration fee for new registration is RM150
  • Applicants must enclose the following copies:
    • Copy of Company Registration Certificate
    • Copy of Shipping/Vessel registration certificate
    • Copy of review letter from department/agency if any
    • Copy of Permission Letter carrying cargo from the Marine Department
    • Copy of Insurance Policy/validity period not less than 3 months
    • Master-Copy of Driving License
    • The type of cargo approved i.e. goods or passengers
Visit Sistem Pelesenan Navigasi Jalan Air Pedalaman (LENS): elesen.luas.gov.my

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