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Modified at : 2024-07-11
Page Views : 1442


Alternative Pool Water Packing Operation (OPAK) includes strategies and approaches to manage different water resources other than surface and underground water. LUAS has identified 100 ponds as alternative water sources through the SORSS package.

In addition, LUAS through Section 48 of the 1999 LUAS Enactment has gazetted as many as 20 alternative water source reservoir ponds out of 100 ponds to accommodate additional needs if the river water level is affected due to the dry season.


The objective of the development of alternative water sources is:

  1. Maintaining the sustainability of raw water resources in the State of Selangor
  2. Provide additional water sources from ponds, lakes, former mines and underground water to overcome the problem of water shortage during the dry season.
  3. Act as a medium for the purpose of diluting the river in case of pollution.



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